

Building 429 - Listen to The Sound 2011

ABOUT: “Listen To The Sound” is the title track of the record for many reasons. It’s a catchy little tune, but it also embodies the thought process of the record in many ways. This record is realistic, yet hopeful, honest, yet fun, and if there was one phrase that we felt brought the most hope in our current lives, it was the title of this song.
 Why listen to the sound? Because most of us are so busy talking, social networking, and working that we have lost the ability to hear the voice of God. Not because He’s not talking, but maybe because we just don’t shut up long enough to hear what he has to say.
Economic downturns have put our world into a frenzied pace that leaves little time for solitude and listening. But if we could stop for just 15 minutes, slow down and listen, maybe we would be able to hear the voice of God saying, “my grace is sufficient for you”. Isn’t that just the thing we need? All of our hard work and building a better life for the last 20 years brought us to… economic crisis? Aren’t we the wealthiest country in the world? Isn’t there an American dream out there? It’s interesting that even with all of our prosperity we still want more. There’s a line in this song that God blessed me with that I think is HUGE. It says: “You’ll never know what faith is, till you don’t understand / Sometimes it takes the silence to finally hear HIS plan / So listen to the sound of Hope that’s rising” That’s what this record is about. Hope rising over your old horizon… so listen to the sound. - Jason Roy
01. Made For You   
02. Right Beside You 
03. One Foot   
04. Listen To The Sound   
05. War Zone   
06. Where I Belong   
07. You Save Me    
08. Walls Are Coming Down 
09. Love Has Been Spoken    
10. Awaken Us


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